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Frequently Asked Questions

Providing Some Additional Context 

If you have any questions which are not answered below, please contact us using the contact form and we'll be happy to respond to you.

Why do you present gender so prominently on the map?

Many patients wish to specifically consult a male doctor or a female doctor. This could be because for certain types of medical concerns, it’s easier for patients to relate to a doctor of their own gender as they have had similar medical experiences and can speak from those experiences. For example, young men may find it easier to open up to a male doctor about specific types of medical questions that they may otherwise be reserved to talk about.

Sometimes the preference may have its basis in religious reasons -- women from some cultures prefer to consult female physicians, and the same could be true for men.

Further, the gender information is sourced directly from the CPSO’s register of physicians. We have no input into this. There are also physicians who identify as non-binary and for those doctors the gender will show as "Non-binary".

The Find My Doctor team remains committed to respecting all genders and does not condone the use of gender information for any type of discriminatory purposes. Our sole objective is to provide patients with all the information we can to help them select a doctor they are comfortable with.

What if I find incorrect information on the map?

While we strive to update our information regularly, it’s inevitable that with the passage of time some of that information will change without our knowing about it. If you discover that any information has changed, we invite you to contact us at ____. We will review it and once confirmed, we’ll make the necessary updates.

Why do you allow ads?

We have no source of government funding. All of the work that has gone into building this website, and continues to go into maintaining it, is done out of our own pockets, on our own time, and at our own expense. Ads provide a nominal source of income to help us continue being able to offer this website.

How can I advertise on the site?

We encourage you to reach out to us using our contact form and we'd be happy to discuss further.

Is this website affiliated with doctors?

No. There is no business relationship or professional affiliation between the Find My Doctor website and any of the doctors presented on the map.